
Outsourcing your WooCommerce Development

May 22, 2024 | WooCommerce

E-commerce has turned into one of the most competitive business landscapes on the planet, where having a robust and seamless online store is crucial for success.

WooCommerce, a popular WordPress plugin, is at the center of this landscape right alongside tech giants like Shopify and BigCommerce. WooCommerce offers unparalleled customizability and functionality to create the perfect online shop, no matter what your niche.

But developing and maintaining a WooCommerce store can be time-consuming and technically challenging. That’s where outsourcing your WooCommerce development comes in. You can leverage expert developers, ensure your store is optimized for performance, security, and user experience, all without the stress and hassle of managing it all on your own.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of outsourcing your WooCommerce development. Whether you are a small business owner or managing a large online store, partnering with experienced developers can help you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively.

Let’s discuss how.

How to Outsource a WooCommerce Project

Brief guide on How to Outsource a WooCommerce Project

Outsourcing a WooCommerce project can streamline your workflow and help you leverage specialized skills. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it effectively:

Define Your Project Scope

Clearly outline what you want to achieve with your WooCommerce project. This includes specific features, functionalities, and design elements.

Having a well-defined scope ensures that both you and the outsourced team understand the project’s goals and deliverables, reducing the risk of miscommunication.

Set a Budget and Timeline

Establishing a budget and timeline is crucial.

Determine how much you are willing to spend and set realistic deadlines for each phase of the project. This helps in managing expectations and ensures that the project stays on track financially and temporally.

Read our post on how long a WooCommerce project should take in case you’re unsure about the specific timeline you should be expecting from your developers.

Clarify Terms and Conditions

Make sure to lay out all terms and conditions before starting the project. This should cover payment schedules, intellectual property rights, confidentiality agreements, and any other contractual details.

Here’s a quick summary of the specifics you should cover:

  1. Payment Terms & Schedule.
  2. Transfer of Copyrights or a Waiver upon payment.
  3. Non-disclosure agreements if applicable.
  4. Outlined requirements to avoid miscommunication – your developers will love this as they will see it as a safeguard against feature creep.

Clear terms prevent future disputes and provide a framework for smooth collaboration.

Communicate Effectively

Regular communication is key to the success of an outsourced project. Use tools like emails, video calls, and project management software to keep in touch. Regular updates help in addressing issues promptly and keep everyone aligned with the project’s progress.

We prefer using Notion for our project management, you can opt for alternatives like Trello if you wish.

Review Work and Provide Feedback

Once work begins, continually review the output at each milestone. Provide constructive feedback to ensure the final product meets your standards.

Continuous assessment allows for adjustments along the way, leading to a more polished and effective outcome.

Cost of Outsourcing WooCommerce Development

Costs for Outsourcing WooCommerce development can vary widely based on several factors, including the complexity of the project, the developer’s experience, and the region where the developer is located. On average, you can expect to pay:

Basic Project – $500 to $1.5k

  • Essential setup, including theme installation, basic configuration, and standard plugins.
  • Ideal for small businesses or startups with minimal customization needs.
  • Limited post-launch support, focusing on initial deployment and basic troubleshooting.

Standard Complexity – $1.5k to $5k

  • Advanced customization, plugin integrations, and custom design elements tailored to brand identity.
  • Perfect for growing businesses looking to establish their brand.
  • Moderate post-launch support, including regular updates and ongoing maintenance.

Enterprise Projects – $5k to $20k

  • Comprehensive eCommerce solution with custom development.
  • Best for large enterprises needing to manage high volumes of traffic.
  • Full-spectrum support with dedicated account management
    and ongoing optimization.

Keep in mind that ongoing maintenance and support can also add to the overall cost.

Pros & Cons of Outsourcing WooCommerce Development

pros & cons of outsourcing WooCommerce development

Pros of Outsourcing

Outsourcing WooCommerce development offers a variety of benefits and some potential drawbacks to consider, here’s a quick explanation of the benefits before we discuss how you can tackle the drawbacks.

  • Cost-Effective: Outsourcing WooCommerce development can be more affordable than maintaining an in-house team. You save on salaries, benefits, and overhead costs associated with full-time employees and can allocate resources more efficiently.
  • Expertise: By outsourcing, you gain access to a pool of seasoned developers who specialize in WooCommerce. These experts are up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, ensuring your project benefits from their advanced skills and knowledge.
  • Faster Turnaround: Dedicated teams often lead to quicker project completion. Since outsourced developers focus solely on your project, they can meet tight deadlines and deliver high-quality results faster than an in-house team juggling multiple tasks.
  • Flexibility: Outsourcing provides the ability to scale your development resources according to the specific demands of each project. You can ramp up the team size for larger tasks or downsize once the workload decreases, providing greater flexibility and efficiency.
  • Focus: By delegating WooCommerce development to an external team, your in-house staff can concentrate on core business activities. This allows for better allocation of internal resources, enhancing overall productivity and effectiveness within your organization.

Cons of Outsourcing:

The drawbacks of outsourcing are pretty straightforward, here’s what you can do to minimize their impact on your project:

  • Communication: Clear communication and regular check-ins can help manage time zone and language issues. Use collaborative tools for real-time updates.
  • Dependency: Stay up to date on documentation so any future developers can easily get up to speed on the project’s status and requirements.
  • Data Security: Implement non-disclosure agreements, ensure strong data-security measures, and conduct a third-party audit if you can afford one to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Onboarding Time: Speed up the initial onboarding by providing precise project requirements and try to have at least one discussion to familiarize the team with your brand.
  • Hidden Costs: Define project scope clearly in the contract, set aside a contingency budget, and regularly review progress to manage unexpected expenses.

Outsource your WooCommerce Project

At Void Solutions, we specialize in WooCommerce development and provide end-to-end services to ensure your online store is optimized for success. Whether you’re a small business aiming for a basic setup or an enterprise needing comprehensive e-commerce solutions, our experienced developers are here to deliver exceptional results.

Don’t let the technical challenges of building and maintaining a WooCommerce store hold you back. Partner with Void Solutions and let us help you achieve your ecommerce dreams with confidence and ease.