
Organic SEO: Flat to Exponential Growth in the Nicotine Pouches Niche

Jul 12, 2024

This case study examines the remarkable SEO growth of a newly launched website within the nicotine pouches niche. The client’s website was built and subsequently optimized through a dedicated SEO campaign.

Over the course of our multi-term contract, the website saw substantial improvements in key metrics across the board, outperforming the client’s pre-existing websites within the same niche.

The Problem

The nicotine pouches niche faces a significant challenge due to the advertising restrictions on platforms like Google Ads and social media networks, which prohibit cost-per-click (CPC) advertisements for nicotine-related products.

As a result, our clients are unable to leverage traditional paid advertising methods to drive traffic and visibility for their newly launched websites. This imposed a barrier to quickly gaining traction and building brand awareness, necessitating a strong dependence on organic search traffic and SEO strategies.

These limitations created an urgent need for a robust organic growth approach to circumvent the constraints imposed by advertising bans.

About the Website

The client has experience and existing online businesses in the niche. However this website was on a New Domain and featured a New Brand.

Our Objectives

  1. Increase organic traffic to the website.
  2. Focus on conversion and buy-intent keywords.
  3. Enhance overall online visibility within the niche.
  4. Build up enough traffic to cash-in during the holiday season.

Month # 1 – May 2024

We start from nothing and the team begins work on optimizing the 100 or so products for SEO and conversion.

Within weeks, we see results as our SEO efforts start to pay off: clicks start coming in regularly and we quickly enter the double-digit numbers on a daily basis. Total impressions also surge, indicating that the website is actively being considered for new terms and search intents.

The above graph clearly shows a consistent upward trend in both clicks and impressions, validating the effectiveness of our SEO strategy.

Month # 2 – June 2024

Doubling-down on “if it works, keep doing it.”

Our initial SEO campaign demonstrated significant success in May, so in June, we decided to intensify our efforts. The results are clear: total clicks surged from 204 in the previous month to 1.39K, demonstrating a substantial increase in user engagement.

Similarly, total impressions have soared to 44.2K, showcasing greater visibility and reach.

This graph further highlights this substantial growth, with a noticeable upward trajectory throughout the month. The average click-through rate (CTR) has improved to 3.1%, while the website’s average position has significantly risen as well, indicating that our client’s products are appearing higher in search results and attracting more visitors.

The sale numbers confirm these results with a massive 9x increase in organic MoM sales. However, you should keep in mind that this is a website that barely had any organic traffic before our optimization efforts began, providing ample room for dramatic initial growth.

Month # 3 – July 2024

This period is still ongoing, and we will provide an update with the results and insights accordingly once the month has concluded and ample time has passed for the data to be made public.

Drive Organic Sales with SEO

Are you facing challenges with driving organic sales and building visibility for your website due to advertising restrictions? Take control of your online presence and experience the transformative power of a comprehensive SEO campaign.

Our team has repeatedly demonstrated success, turning newly launched websites into high-traffic, sales-generating platforms. Through strategic keyword optimization, content creation, and targeted SEO efforts, we’ve helped clients in restrictive niches overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable growth.